Mission, Vision & Impact

“Each tinted fragment sparkles in the sun; a thousand Colours, but the light is One”
– Jami (15th century Persian poet)


Sir David Khalili is a leading voice in the global movement to advance peace, unity and mutual respect worldwide. His philanthropic and humanitarian work, channelled through the Khalili Foundation, has been recognised globally.

Over the past three decades, the Khalili Foundation has become a world leader in promoting intercultural relations. The Foundation has donated several million pounds to support and drive a number of internationally recognised projects that use the power of art, culture and education to bring people together. Our partners include international organisations such as UNESCO and the Commonwealth as well as leading research and education establishments such as the University of Oxford and the School of Oriental and African Studies.

The main initiatives of the Foundation are:

Aside from these core initiatives, donations have been made regularly and anonymously to a number of charitable causes worldwide. Through its expertise and network, the Foundation has also developed and facilitated a number of successful charitable initiatives led by other notable organisations such as Oxford University, SOAS and Turquoise Mountain Foundation.




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